Single Girl Shapes Up


She's shaping up!

Yes, all my quarter-blocks are sewn. I laid out the entire quilt on my dining room floor. (It's the only room in my house with enough floor space—and that's only after moving the table way off to the side.) I'm now in the process of sewing it together.

I have to say, laying out all of those quarter-blocks was one of the most satisfying moments I've experienced in quilting. This project came together exactly the way I had envisioned it. Plus, it's king-size, and I've never done anything even close to this big before. To see a project this huge come together in its finished form made me feel like I'm really accomplishing something.

Also remarkable: The fact that I haven't gotten sick of looking at the darn thing by now. Usually, by the time I get to this stage, fatigue has set in on the colors, prints, pattern, etc. But this makes two projects in a row that I have not been tired of by the time I'm done piecing. Makes me think my design decisions are finally on the right track.


I Found It


Three Generations Quilt