Book review: The Quilt Block Cookbook


I love quilting books that not only provide gorgeous patterns, but also give readers the tools to get creative with those patterns and put their own spin on them. In fact, that was one of the goals Katie, Faith, and I had when we wrote our own book, Vintage Quilt Revival. So I knew Amy Gibson's newest book, The Quilt Block Cookbook, was going to be right up my alley.


The Quilt Block Cookbook features 50(!) blocks, 7 sampler quilts made from those blocks, and a ton of design inspiration, all wrapped up in a beautiful package, so it's a lot of bang for your buck! All of the block designs are mixed-and-matched from a variety of building-block units—a cool concept that expands the possibilities far beyond even the 50 blocks that are in the book. And as usual with Amy's books, the photography and styling is so gorgeous, that alone makes the book worth the price! 


There are a lot of blocks in the book that I love, but for some reason I was especially drawn to this one, Windsong. But because I never like to do things exactly the way I'm supposed to, I decided to drop the corner units in favor of a more minimalist look. Thanks to Amy's block-recipe concept, that was very easy to do! This really is a flexible book, and I love how my blocks turned out.


I ended up making six of these yesterday, so all of a sudden I've got pretty good start on a baby quilt! Now all I need is a girl baby to give it to. 😊 Check out the Quilt Block Cookbook!


Summer Sampler Block 19: Horsetail Falls


Stitch Fix: You need it!