
Happy Monday! Are you guys ready for Block 5 of Summer Sampler 2018? It's called Points by Kristy Lea of Quiet Play.

So, cards on the table. This block is pretty intense. 😂 But after the last few weeks, I know you guys are ready for it! And its inspiration, the iconic Sydney Opera House, is perfection!


Ready for some tips for making this beautiful block? First, you can head over to Faith's blog for a lot of great suggestions on piecing the block and sewing the curves. Curves can be tricky (I know I'm hardly an expert on them), but with a little practice and patience, you'll be sewing beautiful curves in no time.


Second, it’s key with this block to stay organized! I made stacks of the templates and the fabric pieces needed for each template—so an A stack, a B stack, a C stack, and a D stack. I also wrote down the colors I wanted to use in the locations I wanted to use them, in order to keep myself on track. I used all of the same colors on each A template, same colors on each B template, etc., to make things easier for myself. And I pieced the templates assembly-line style—so first I pieced all of the A templates, then all of the B templates, and so on. Hopefully that will help you as you piece this one. Staying organized really does make this block a whole lot easier!


Let's add another star to our Summer Sampler 2018 Road Trip map! As most of you know, this year all of our Summer Sampler blocks are inspired by travel or far-flung locations. So now we're adding Australia to our itinerary! Fun.


And your reward for finishing it? Next week’s block is one of the easiest in the series, so stay tuned! Want to join in the quilt-along with us and make this gorgeous block? Click here for more information! See you next week!


Summer Sampler 2018: Versailles block


Summer Sampler 2018: Giza block