A spring sale! Plus, why I’ve been so quiet lately …


Yes, as some of you may have noticed, it's been a little quiet around my corner of the internet lately! While I have loved running this quilting business for more than ten years, my life has seen some changes lately (as has been the case for so many of us!). These changes have shifted me away from designing new quilts. But don't worry, it's all for the good! I recently picked up a new part-time gig running somebody else's social media for a change—not quilting-related, but I'm looking forward to the new challenge. And my daughters are currently finishing up 9th and 7th grades. We even recently made our first college visits for my oldest (gulp!). It has me realizing that my time with these girls at home will be over before I know it, and I want to take advantage of every minute of it.​

So what does this all mean for you? Well ....


Don't worry, I'm not going away.

My existing patterns and templates will continue to be for sale, and of course I will continue to offer customer service support on all purchases. I'll also be popping in to Instagram from time to time to let you know what I'm up to. And hey, you never know—inspiration for a new quilt pattern could hit tomorrow and get me all revved up again! I am so lucky that I have the financial freedom to make these choices and follow whatever path feels right to me at the moment.


Unfortunately, there will be no Summer Sampler quilt-along this year.

I know this is disappointing news for many of you. And Faith and Katie and I have had so much fun putting on this annual quilt-along since 2016. But it's time for a break. Keep reading for other summer project options: We're currently offering $5 off on all the previous Summer Sampler patterns with discount code CHANGES, so you can go back and hit one you missed. OR join a brand new quilt-along hosted by Katie, who's going solo after spending the last six summers as 1/3 of the Summer Sampler team!


That's right ... I'm having a 🎉 BIG SALE! 🎉 15% off EVERYTHING!

My change in priorities is your gain! 😄 Get 15% off ALL patterns, including Summer Sampler patterns and my best-selling Perfect HST Templates and Perfect Flying Geese TemplatesJust enter discount code CHANGES at checkout. Sale ends Wednesday, so don't delay!

Don't forget to enter the discount code CHANGES at checkout to get the sale price!


And finally, check out the Choose Your Own Adventure Quilt-Along, coming this summer from Katie, one of the Summer Sampler co-hosts. If you need your Summer Sampler fix, this is the perfect option! You'll get everything you've come to expect from the Summer Sampler patterns—9 original block patterns, finishing instructions, designer tips and tricks, and much more—for just $34.99. Plus take an extra $5 off with discount code FRESHLYPIECED! That's just $29.99 for the entire summer sewing experience. You won't want to miss it!

​Finally, a big thank you to all of my loyal customers over the years, especially those who came back year after year for the Summer Sampler quilt-along. You all have been a bigger part of my life than you could ever know. Now what are you waiting for—grab some sale patterns and get sewing!


Kansas Dust Storm: A free block pattern